Ray Tegerstrand CPO -American Board Certified in Orthotics and Prosthetics

Ray Tegerstrand CPO, has over 31 years of experience in prosthetic and orthotics. Ray holds Certificates of Prosthetic from Northwestern University, Below Knee Prosthetic from University of California, Los Angeles, School of Medicine and UCLA Extension for Spinal, Upper and Lower Extremities and an Associate of Science Degree at Cerritos College. Ray has extensive work in metal, leather, carbon fiber and titanium. While specializing in Diabetic Care, his Prosthetic skills encompass above knee, below knee, symes, partial foot and upper extremities below and above elbow. Ray has extensive experience in orthotics; designing and fabricating custom Orthosis ranging from the diabetic foot orthotics to the thoracic fracture. Ray is Certified in the neuro prosthetic Walk Aid.

Deanna Hansen CO - American Board Certified in Orthotics

Deanna Hansen, C.O. has over 25 years experience in Orthotics. She has a Bachelor of Arts from Cal State Fullerton and a Post Graduate Degree in Orthotics from Rancho Los Amigos Hospital. While specializing in pediatrics, Deanna has a background in all areas of Orthotics. She has extensive knowledge in evaluating and designing Orthotics for neurological conditions including spinal cord injury, stroke, Cerebral Palsy, MS, Spina Bifida and dystrophies. Deanna has been trained to provide many specialized Orthotics. She is trained and experienced in both Idiopathic and neurologic scoliosis, cranial remolding pediatric pathomechanics, Reciprocating Gait orthoses, Neuroprosthetics and various other modalities.

Justin Tegerstrand CPO - American Board Certified in Orthotics and Prosthetics.

Justin Tegerstrand CPO has over 10 years experience at Ray Tegerstrand’s Orthopedic Appliance. He earned his Bachelor of Science Degree from Cal State University, Dominguez Hills in Prosthetic and Orthotics; completing his Residency in Los Angeles where he specialized in upper extremity prosthetics, traditional body powered and myoelectrics. Justin’s prosthetic skills encompass above knee, below knee, symes, partial foot and above-mentioned upper extremities below and above elbow. He is current on microprocessor prosthesis knees and has extensive knowledge of high end as well as geriatric components for all activity levels. His orthotic experience includes designing and fabricating custom orthosis from the diabetic foot orthotics to the thoracic fracture. Justin is current in neuro prosthetic devices for pain and mobility such as the Walk Aid and the Bio Flex systems.